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We offer the best solutions for talent inquiries in life science
through sustainable and trustful consultancy.


Our vision is to be the source of talent in life science.

Career at Conqure

Our employees are a fundamental part of our success. Therefore, we strive to offer a culture, which comforts our employees and guides them towards their own success. Our culture is especially shaped by our Values:


We aspire highest quality in all tasks and are continuously strive to improve.

Market knowledge

We do have distinctive market knowledge and are always striving to enhance it, to enable us to offer the best consulting to clients and candidates in the market.

Long-term orientation

We rely on long-term partnerships, not only with clients and candidates, but also with our colleagues.


We offer open and honest communication with our clients, candidates and colleagues.


Our relationship with clients, candidates and colleagues is based on respect and honesty, which leads to genuine trust.


Als Recruitment Manager (gn) bei Conqure kannst Du unser Team auf der Kandidatenseite unterstützen und die strategische Suche übernehmen.

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Als Recruitment Associate (gn) bei Conqure hast Du die Chance Deine erste Berufserfahrung im Recruitment zu sammeln. Du unterstützt das Team auf der Kandidatenseiten und betreust Kandidaten im Prozess.

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Als Werkstudent (gn) bei Conqure hast Du die Chance Deine erste Berufserfahrung im Recruitment zu sammeln. Conqure gibt Dir ein Arbeitsumfeld, das Dir ermöglicht, Dich voll auf Deine Kandidaten zu konzentrieren. Bei Conqure kannst Du Deine Karriere aktiv mitgestalten.

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Did we catch your interest, and do you wish to become a part of Conqure?
Please contact us by sending a mail to or by calling +49 (0) 89 379 1028 20